As a member you will be able to borrow most books printed after 1875 and back issues of periodicals. You may also borrow through the Library's postal borrowing service and interlibrary loans from ABTAPL libraries. You may borrow up to a maximum of twelve items at any given time for the period of one month only. Items may be renewed up to six times provided they are not required by another reader. You will also receive a small discount on orders of photocopies.
Applying for Membership
To become a member of Dr Williams's Library please complete the Membership Application Form below. You can complete the main details before printing, but do not refresh your browser as the form details will not be saved.
To print, please click the 'Preview' button at the foot of this page.
If you prefer, you can download a pdf version and complete it by hand.
There is an annual fee of £30 for membership. The completed form, signed by yourself and two guarantors (see below) should be returned with the appropriate remittance to:
The Membership Secretary, Dr Williams’s Library, 14 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0AR
Please make your cheque payable to 'Dr Williams’s Trust'
What happens next
When your application has been reviewed you will receive an email notification which will tell you how to activate your account. When your account is activated, you will have access to all Member facilities.
If you have any questions, please contact [protected email address]